We are inviting you to the Polyethylene, an old material with unrivalled properties Workshop taking place on the 26th of September on the premises of the ICGM. The workshop will also be hosted online for those willing to attend virtually.
This event is organized by RDC Informatics and ICGM.
The main subjects will orbit around: Crosslinked recyclable polyethylene, Polyethylene, polyolefins oxidation & Polyelectrolyte Coatings for Flame Retardancy and Food Protection.
This event will be held in English.
Register for free below to receive your certificate of attendance after the end of the event.
I understand that by registering for this event I consent to the Polyethylene, an old material with unrivalled properties to take or have taken by others, photographs, digital images and/or audio and/or video footage of myself, and to store the images and publish them in any form, in whole or in part, and distribute them in any media including, but not limited to, print media, Internet, social media, radio, TV, other multi-media uses or graphic representation, cinematography or video, with the aim to promote the event. The organized workshop and the REDONDO project and their partners undertake not to use any images in a way that would cause embarrassment or misrepresent the intent of the participant.